Let's get acclimatized, kids!


The young have the right/duty to acquire 'concrete' environmental education, because never before has it been so indispensable as in this day and age to address the many problems posed in the present and immediate future.

Those who, like us, are involved in 'applied research' in the environmental field feel a 'duty' to make a contribution to the dissemination of concepts that must be rigorous and, at the same time, made comprehensible to the young through the use of 'their' language.

For this reason, our group has given itself a specific 'mission' concerning precisely the environmental education of children; it aims to translate up-to-date technical-scientific skills from the various fields of health-environmental engineering into simplified 'teaching modules' for young children.

Enabling the kids... in sport

Enabling the kids... at school


A final 'mission' we have given ourselves is to contribute to the maturation of full environmental awareness in the world of sport. Sports clubs hosting young people offer an undoubted social service, with an important role in the overall education of young people. It therefore seems appropriate to include the topic of environmental education in this already well-oriented framework.

The various topics covered will, at least in our intentions, have the common feature of demonstrating that the problems related to the various environmental matrices (water, air, soil) practically always find an appropriate and satisfactory solution within the framework of modern technological development; the indispensable condition is that the specific technical-scientific skills are respected and valued and that work is carried out in all social spheres with a choral effort.

AmbientiAMO i piĆ¹ piccoli

Adventure companions in environmental training

The different topics covered will, at least in our intentions, share the common characteristic of showing that problems associated with various environmental elements (water, air, soil) almost always find an appropriate and satisfactory solution within the context of modern technological development. The essential condition is that specific technical-scientific skills are respected and valued, and that concerted efforts are made across all societal sectors.


Miss Drinking Water


"Hi, my name is Pinny and I am Miss Drinking Water!

I will tell you about my origins and my journey to becoming clean and drinkable water... also showing you photos and videos of my long and sometimes tortuous journey.

How was it born "drinking water" that reaches our taps?

With me you will discover the origins of drinking water, that is, the different natural sources from which water can be drawn and its path (the aqueduct and the drinking water system, through the many treatments that compose it) to become water that is safe for our health, to be used in homes, schools, at work and in many other places".

Clarabella & Cioccobello

Mrs Wastewater & Mr Sludge

Clarabella & Cioccobello

Hi, my name is Clarabella and I'm Mrs Wastewater!
I will tell you about my long journey that starts from your home until arriving at the depuration plant and back in the environment.
I will also tell you how my brother Cioccobello, that is Mr Sludge, was born.

How is water used for various human activities returned clean to the environment?
My long journey is called "Water Cycle" which starts from the river: the water is taken, made drinkable, used by all of us, discharged into the sewer and then to the depuration plant.
At the end of the depuration treatment, we will have clean water, which finally returns to the river, but can also be reused for example in land irrigation, and a sludge that can be used as a fertilizer in agriculture".


Mr Solid Waste


"Hi, my name is Gustavo, and I am Mr Solid Waste! I will show you how to collect myself correctly at home and what are the possible alternatives that can bring me back to life.
Let's go and see where waste forms (in houses, in the streets, in factories etc.), how much waste is produced (a large quantity: approximately 1.5 kg for each inhabitant per day) and what composition solid urban waste has.
Let's then look at the separate waste collection systems (which, for their success, also require the commitment of the citizen as well as of the public service) who must "help" the final phase of treatment and disposal.
The final fate of the waste (with biological, chemical, thermal treatments etc.) must be "intelligent", in the sense of reuse the material and energy content of the waste itself as much as possible ("circular economy")".

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